Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Warning Signs Of Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)In Women

It's been realized for some time that women are just as likely as men to have a heart attack (myocardial infarction, or MI); however, the classical signs described by men aren't always reported by women. Coronary heart disease remains the primary cause of death in women in the USA.

Prodromal (precursory) symptoms were reported by 95% of the women. The most frequent ones, reported one month before their MI, were unusual fatigue (71%), sleep disturbance (48%), shortness of breath (42%), indigestion (39%), and anxiety (36%). The majority of these (over 80%) were rated as severe or moderate. One or more of these prodromal symptoms occurred daily or several times a week, for at least a month before the MI, in 75% of the women experiencing them.

Unlike men, only 30% of the women reported chest discomfort, which could be aching, tightness, pressure, sharp, burning, fullness or tingling.

On average, 7 acute symptoms were reported by each woman. Women with more prodromal symptoms had more acute symptoms. The most frequent were shortness of breath (58%), weakness (55%), fatigue (43%), cold sweat (39%), and dizziness (39%).
As many as 43% of the women had no chest pain or discomfort whatsoever. Among those that did, the sensation was described as aching, tightness, or pressure, but not pain.

Myocardial infarction occurs due to narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. Coronary arteries lie on the surface of the heart and supply it with oxygen. The source of oxygen, however, may be altered if fatty deposits (plaque) are produced, causing atherosclerosis. Extensive atherosclerosis reduces blood flow to the heart, causing chest pain and shortness of breath.' In women, angina is often atypical and does not follow any recognizable pattern. Women with angina may just complain of a little neck ache, occasional pain in the back or breast, or tingling in the fingers.

The patient is usually restless, apprehensive, pale, diaphoretic, and in severe pain. The skin is usually cool, and peripheral or central cyanosis may be present. The pulse is thready and the blood pressure is variable; however, many patients initially have some degree of hypertension, unless cardiogenic shock is developing. Arrhythmia is common: bradycardia or extrasystoles may be observed early in the course of myocardial infarction. The heart sounds are usually somewhat distant; the presence of a fourth heart sound is almost universal.

Women may be misdiagnosed and sent home and not thoroughly investigated for coronary heart disease! Therefore, it is essential to investigate patients who present with any of the previously mentioned signs and symptoms.

Queens, are you predisposed to diabetes, heart disease, smoker, heavy drinker of alcohol, or high cholesterol. It is imperative for you to make an appointment with your PCP or cardiologist. Early detection and prevention is key in the survival rate in women. African American women are more likely to die from heart disease than their white counterparts.

I value my sistahs and their spirits. I besiege you to be vigilant and advocates of good health for yourself as well as your mothers, sistahs, aunts, grandmothers, neighbors, cousins, co-workers and any female you may know. Heart disease is avoidable, detectable, and preventable. Raise your self-awareness and become apart of the movement of good health and longevity. The Tuesday's health blog topic of the day is to be used as a source of initial introduction to a health issue or to reinforce what knowledge you may already have. This information should not be used as a medical substitute from the sound and professional advice that your physician can offer you. For more indepth information about this subject, please log on to website http://findarticles.com.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Monday, April 20, 2009

"If You're Going To Do Something Tonight That You'll Be Sorry For Tomorrow Morning, Sleep Late."....Henry Youngman

The Perfect Storm....Mental, Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Breakdown

Hi Queens, some years ago there was a movie out called the "The Perfect Storm". This movie captured the fate of a vessel that was battered and beaten by a thunderstorm and a hurricane. Unfortunately, the story did not end well for the crew of the Andrea Gail vessel. I have recently, felt that I too have encountered "The Perfect Storm" but overcame. Unlike these characters, I knew where to go for refuge, I knew who was and is my Salvation, I knew that He would never leave or forsake me. Do you have Him in your life to calm the crushing waves of abuse, stress, and being overstretched. Have you ever been at that point in your life when all possible elements of your physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual fibers are simultaneously at the brinks of a breakdown?

Life is so unpredictable and overwhelming. If you are not grounded and steadfast in your believe that God will not put any more of you than you can bear, it is nearly impossible to think or fathom that you will be able to endure and to persevere during your "Perfect Storm".

It is so important that we allow and avail ourselves to each other to comfort, hold, and to embrace one another during our accomplishments, triumphs, victories, losses, set backs, and perfect storms. Queens, the ultimate Saviour and Rescuer is God. For every perfect storm that he allows in your life, I assure you He has designed a path and ending to all of your despair. For at the end of these perfect storms, you should be able to recognize that God is there for you.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Matthew 8:23-27
The Week of April 20th, 2009

1. Monday: The Perfect Storm....Mental, Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Breakdown

2. TUESDAY: Warning Signs Of Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)In Women

3. Wednesday: Mother And Daughter's Relationship

4. Thursday: What Does It Mean To Be Submissive In A Relationship

5. Friday: Do You Know How To Please Yourself And Do You Enjoy Your Body And The Pleasure Of Self Intimacy

Hi Queens, I shorted you last week but I have picked up the pace and the journey continues.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm."....Vincent Lombardt

Are you a good shepard over your finances?

Hi Queens. Okay this is the weak area of in my life (Ha Ha). This will be the shortest blog from me to-date. I have taken steps to resolve my financial issues. I have found that being prayerful and open to sound advice from people of good financial standing (please don't listen to Aunt Bay Bay who had her car repossessd, house foreclosed, or in credit card debt) are just the beginning steps for me.

I have become more aware of my spending habits and have started making good choices of needs vs. wants. If there is a big ticket item that I want, I have now started taking a little from each pay as opposed to buying with one pay or using a credit card. I have paid down half the balance of my existing credit cards. I was told that this along with paying more than the minimal on a timely basis are crucial to good credit reporting.

Okay Queens, I'm not going to belabor the point. Please submit comments and ideas so we can gain control, independence and freedom from debt in our lives.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Character is what you are in the dark"....Dwight Moody

Annual Pap Smear....The Benefits

Hi Queens. Yes, I said Queens. I have decided that I will address you as the Queens that you truly are. I once mentioned in an earlier blog "It doesn't matter what people call you, what's more important is the name that you answer to". Today, start the mental process of thinking, possessing, living, knowing our worth, and exuding the Queen in you. The definition of exude "To seem to possess; manifest". Try it on for size and feel the comfort. Once you try it, you'll never go back.

Today's blog is annual pap smear and the benefits of having it done. Experts estimate that 35,000,000 women in the United States should have regular Pap smears. About one-third of all women who should have regular Pap smears do not. A pap smear is a procedure that is done by a trained health care professional to screen for cancer of the cervix (the lower part of the uterus).

The Pap smear is a screening technique. It is used to detect cervical cancer or cervical abnormalities that might become cancer in women who don't have any symptoms of these conditions. Experts believe that pap smears should be performed on young women and women if she has reached the age of 18. is sexually active, or has been sexually active. Consult with your OB-GYN if you had a hysterectomy to find out whether it would be advisable for you to continue to have a pap smear. Having Pap smears at recommended intervals is the most important thing a woman can do to protect herself from developing cervical cancer. women who have regular Pap smears are much less likely to develop cervical cancer than are women who don't have the test regularly, because they get early treatment for precancerous conditions.

A woman may need more frequent pap smears if, she has had more than one sexual partner, became sexually active as a teenager, has had an abnormal pap smear, has had a sexually transmitted disease, has had cancer or precancerous tissue growth in the cervix, smokes, has an infection of human papillomavirus (HPV).

Are there activities that a woman should avoid 48 hours prior to have a pap smear? Yes, they are douching, having intercourse, taking a tub bath, swim,using tampons, spermicides, vaginal lubricants, or feminine deodorant sprays or powders. These activities can irritate the cervix. Avoiding them helps ensure collection of an adequate cell sample.

Queens, I will not blog or suggest anything that I am not willing to do myself. It is important that we take care of ourselves and are aware of our bodies. On Tuesday, I had a mammogram. I have not received the results. Prayerfully it is normal. It had been about 3 years since I had my previous one. I vow to follow the advice that I posted about breast cancer screening and having regular breast cancer exams. The Tuesday's health blog topic of the day is to be used as a source of initial introduction to a health issue or to reinforce what knowledge you may already have. This information should not be used as a medical substitute from the sound and professional advice that your physician can offer you. For more indepth information about this subject, please log on to website "http://www.ehealthmd.com/library/papsmear/PAP_whoshould.html

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Monday, April 13, 2009

When Enough is Enough....No Longer Tolerating And Accepting Substandard Treatment From Men

Ladies my entry today is meant as a wake up call not only for you but for me. I recently enteredinto a new friendship with the hopes that it would mature into a meaningful relationship. After two failed tries, I realized enough is enough. More importantly, I realized that I was not receiving the same attention and commitment that I was giving.

I am a giving person emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I expect, without hesitation, that the same efforts would be reciprocated to me if not more. It pains me to realize that as I mature in age and seek out the companionship of men in their late 40's early 50's, the same old games are still being played. Actually the older the fox/player the better the game is perfected. It's perplexing and mind boggling that at a certain age you would not want a meaningful and engaging relationship with that special person to call your own. I believe in being up front, honest and forthcoming. These attributes are put into place by me to weed out any undesirables and to set the stage/tone from the very start. Unfortunately, if the other person is not of the same mind set to have honesty and true commitment to being forthcoming, then progressing ahead with mutual respect is lost at the start of go. One of the mantra that I subscribe to and live to is "Say what you mean and mean what you say". If I say that I am looking for a serious relationship and not a casual relationship and you tell me that you are looking for casual but intimate relationship, I know not to venture into this situation. You are not going to convince me to change my desire to go casual and I will not waste my time thinking I can magically change your mind to want a serious one-on-one monogamous relationship.

At times, our expectations and willingness to accept crap renders us senseless to make appropriate decisions. Before we can forge a different path to our future you must recognize and know the mistakes of our past. Because when we introspectively analyze and identify why we repeatedly make the wrong choices concerning men, we can then move on to not accepting/tolerating substandard treatment from men.

In our journey and quest to restore self-esteem and confidence to the broken mentality that a lot of women have, be open to the truth, embrace the fragmented pieces and be willing to make changes. Use these questions as a guide when we start this self probe of our hearts and minds. Why do we allow things to spiral out of control before taking action? Why do we ignore and hang on past the warning signs? Why must the house be down to its last charred piece of lumber to realize that the house is burning? Why do we place priority of other's needs, wants and desires before ours? Is the need to be in a relationship greater than the need of self-respect, and most importantly, the overwhelming basic principal of being respected and treated as the queens that we are?

Prayer, time and inner-reflection are the main ingredients to healing and growing. Take the time ladies and invest in you. Don't allow bad experiences to change the nurturing, giving, and loving person you are but, do acquire the gift of discernment and learn who is deserving of you. Make it clear that it is an honor and a privilege to have you, a queen, in his life.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Week of April 13th Topics:

Monday: When enough is enough....No longer tolerating substandard
treatment in a relationship

Tuesday: Annual Pap Smears...The Benefits

Wednesday: Are you a good Shepard over your finances

Thursday: The perfect storm....Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual Breakdown

Friday: Do you know how to please yourself and do you enjoy your body
and the pleasure of self intimacy

Friday, April 10, 2009

"A Lot of People Are Lonely Because They Build Walls Instead of Bridges.".....Anonymous

How to Enhance and Keep the Newness in Your Sexual Encounters with Your Partner
Um it's been awhile but the fire is still burning (Ha Ha). Ladies are you now very complaisant in your sexual encounters with your lovers? Do you not dress up for the bedroom? Does your man complain about the boredom in the bedroom? Does he creep? Is he not engaging in long intimate embraces with you? Are your sexual encounters a "Wham, Bam, thank you Ma'am". Well if more than 2 of the above are happening in your life, you have a problem.
Okay now, how do we repair and salvage this despair. I will list some of the suggests that I recently came across in Essence as well as some of my suggestions. Sistahs, please feel free to join in and contribute.
1. Use your car for more than driving
2. Hook up in the hallway
3. Make love to his mind
4. Get on top
5. Initiate the mood
6. A get-away just the two for no reason at all
7. Get ahead of the game, while his favor team is playing, ladies unleash the beast while he is watching T.V. are you good enough to make him forget about LeBron James?
8. Disappear for seven minutes, while at a party sneak away i.e. bathroom, bedroom, closet and see how fast and good you can get him up to the occasion.
9. Text him the most graphic and suggestive message during the day at work and make a date, describe where, how and what you plan to wear.
10. Sex club, go to one as either a participant or a voyageur
I have given some tips now lets get it on. Invite Marvin, Teddy, and Luther. Oh yes ladies this may be the only time that your man won't mind having another man involved.
Peace and Blessings,
Tracey ReNissa

Thursday, April 9, 2009

If you have a purpose in which you can believe, there's no end to the amount of things you can accomplish....Marian Anderson

Are we raising our daughters to be strong, independent, loving and insightful women

I have two daughters ages 15 and 10. They are totally different in personalities, wants and looks. I have to say, that I don't thank God enough for the opportunity to be their mom. I love them for their individuality, independence, looks, boldness, coyness, intelligence, and their style.

I hope that my daughters are able to take some of my attributes and build upon them. My innate sense of self perseverance, my sense of loyalty to family and friends, my desire to want and to be more than anyone could ever fathom, my internal will to overcome the insurmountable, and my need to love and be loved are attributes that I bestow to them as women. In our efforts to maintain and survive daily @#%#, we become neglectful of our obligation, yes obligation, to show, to teach and to groom our daughters to be better and to want better than our circumstances have afforded us.
There are times that I look at Bria and Mya and I allow myself to vicariously view life from their eyes. The innocence of yesterday, the desire to explore and to discover tomorrow are rekindled within my spirit.
So you see ladies, remember when you reach out to touch a hand, it is the flesh and warmth of that other hand that we embrace and comfort that is soothing to us as well. Allow yourself to help bring a spirit of sistahood and womanhood in our budding flowers. Did you water and shine sunlight on your flower today?

In my quest to mold my daughters to be all they can be, I gain appreciation of their strengths, their weaknesses, and their strong qualities/attributes that they give so willingly to the world. If I could protect them from all the ills of the world, heart break, hurt feelings, and failed relationships I would. I am currently separated and I am so careful about my role as a mother and woman and how these roles are perceived by my daughters. I want them to see the strong woman that I am but I also want them to see me in a loving, caring, thoughtful relationship. I owe them the opportunity to witness a healthy relationship between a man and woman to use as a blueprint and gauge for their relationships in the future.

Today, hug your daughter and tell her why you love her. Make her feel like the earth revolves around her total existence. Make her see and value who she is and how valuable she is to you and others.
Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic is a condition that lasts longer than six weeks and often for many years. In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs ("foreign invaders," like the flu). Normally our immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from these invaders. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues ("auto" means "self") and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body. There are generally four recognized forms or types of lupus: Cutaneous (skin) Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Drug-induced Erythematosus and Neonatal Lupus.

Here are some facts about lupus:

Lupus is a disease of flares (the symptoms worsen and you feel ill) and remissions (the symptoms improve and you feel better). Lupus can range from mild to life-threatening and should always be treated by a doctor.

Lupus is not contagious, not even through sexual contact.

Lupus is not like or related to cancer.

Lupus is not like or related to HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

Research estimates that at least 1.5 million Americans have lupus.

Lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age (15-44). However, men, children, and teenagers develop lupus, too.

Women of color are 2-3 times more likely to develop lupus.

People of all races and ethnic groups can develop lupus.

What are some of the symptoms of Lupus:

Extreme fatigue, headaches, painful and swollen joints, anemia, swelling (edema) in feet, legs, hands and/or around eyes, pain in chest with deep breathing (pleurisy), butterfly-shaped rash across cheeks and nose, sun and light sensitivity, hair loss, abnormal blood clotting, fingers turning white and/or blue when cold (Raynaud’s phenomenon), mouth and nose ulcers

Lupus is sometimes called "the great imitator" because its symptoms are often like the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, blood disorders, fibromyalgia, diabetes, thyroid problems, Lyme disease, and a number of heart, lung, muscle, and bone diseases

Here are some of the risk factors for developing Lupus:

Sex - 90% of people with Lupus are women

Age - Symptoms and diagnosis occur most often when women are in their childbearing years, between the ages of 15 and 44.

Race - In the United States, lupus is more common in people of color -- African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

Family history - Relatives of people with lupus have an approximately 5-13 percent chance of developing lupus.

The idea that lupus is generally a fatal disease is a big misconception. In fact, the prognosis of lupus is much better today than ever before. Consult with your family physician if you believe that you are at risk of having Lupus. The form of lupus and its symptoms determine what type of doctor you will see. Your management will enlist a multi layer approach from different specialities depending on the system that is being effected.

The Tuesday's health blog topic of the day is to be used as a source of initial introduction to a health issue or to reinforce what knowledge you may already have. This information should not be used as a medical substitute from the sound and professional advice that your physician can offer you. For additional information, please log onto http://www.lupus.org/ but most importantly, contact your physician. The above information was taken from this site.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Monday, April 6, 2009

"Character is determined by what you accomplish when the excitement is gone."....Anonymous

Settle Vs. Compromise In Our Choices of Men

As you gain maturity and wisdom, you start to reflect on your past mistakes and accomplishments. If you are sincere and honest with yourself, you should be able to learn and to extract the things that were and are mistakes from your life. A sign of wisdom is the ability to recognize these mistakes when presented again into your life. More importantly than recognizing these mistakes are the discernment and maturity not to repeat these mistakes.

I believe that some women are on a perpetual generational odyssey to settle when it comes to choosing men. I recently read the new book out by Steve Harvey "Act like a lady, Think like a man". I concluded that the content was not an epiphany or a revelation but a confirmation. The topics concerning men/women relationships were addressed and presented to enlighten women of our mistakes when dealing with men and how they operate (Excellent reading material). My overall take on this book was the old adage settling vs compromising. Our roles as women are so vast and complicated already, do we have the capacity to add to it by thinking like a man. Yes, added knowledge of knowing what to expect, what to reject and what not to accept are paramount. What is astonishing to me is our continued acceptance of what we know is wrong and our attempt to right these wrongs to have the perfect man.

Do you settle or compromise in our choices of men. Are women still allowing our standards, morals, wants and desires to be "compromised". Ladies comment on your opinions of settle vs. compromise. Are you in a loving relationship where there is compromise or have you settled for the @#%@# for the sake of having a man?

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Topics for the Week of April 6th, 2009
Monday - Settle vs. Compromise in our Choices of Men
Tuesday - Lupus
Wednesday - Are we as women encouraging to each other, are we soul builders, emotion menders, uplifting in each others endeavors or are we “haters” of the game, destroyers of encouragement, or the grim reaper of dreams
Thursday - Are we raising our daughters to be strong, independent, loving and insightful women
Friday - How to enhance and keep the newness in your sexual encounters with your partner

Ladies, this site was designed to have women to come together and to have a voice. Those voices may not always agree but we should agree to disagree. I encourage everyone that visits this blog to join and to help me in my quest to empower one another. Share your thoughts. Make someone's day with your words of encouragement. Become that beacon of hope and strength.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"People May Doubt What You Say But They Will Believe What You Do"....Anonymous

A Dream Deferred

Do you have a dream deferred? Ladies as wives, mothers, and daughters we are always juggling and multi tasking our families, lovers, careers, and friends which leaves little time for ourselves. Has your dream to become a chef, clothes designer, writer, lawyer, politician, or news anchor been deferred? How do you get it back on track? How do we allow our needs to take priority?

The time has come for us to retrieve our dreams and turn them into reality. Do not permit our circumstances to dictate our fate and destiny. Our resounding show of courage has always been the pinnacle of our strength. Our uncanny ability to rise to the occasion when there is only an infinitesimal amount of support has also been a testament of our fortitude as women. Allow others to take ownership of their mess. Allow others to help us when the need is there. Most importantly, continue to dream but dreams without action will always be a dream.

Ladies for the month of April, take the opportunity to reassess these dreams. Sort through them and purge. Reflection and prayer will assist us in determining our best path. Listen to that inner voice that has been our spiritual guidance and relinquish all self doubts. Here is your chance to allow Faith to take hold of our lives and to shine.

Please submit your comments on how your dream of deferment became a reality and submit comments on tips to help another sistah in her walk to transform that dream into a reality.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa