Friday, May 29, 2009

"The Will To Do, The Soul To Dare."


Transition, a ten letter word. What does it mean? Passage from one place, condition, or state to another; change. Does your life call for transition, change or a new passage?

Queens embrace change. Embrace the opportunity to express yourself, find that happiness that you dream of. I recently stopped working one of two jobs. I was working 76 hours a week. I did this for seven years. Events happened that pretty much forced me to take stock of my life and the insane schedule that I was maintaining. After evaluating and reevaluating my circumstances, I realized that this was the best decision for me. This decision has now allowed me to spend more time with my children, to focus on my blog, and my interest and business venture in mobile spa.

I'm not saying that this does not come without sacrifice, belief, and faith. The loss of that job is a substantial financial difference in my life. I believe the blessings that God has in store for me will out weigh any financial loss that I may experience.

Starting today, starting now queens, evaluate your life's choices. Embrace transition, change and a new passage.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"It Is Better To Be Making The News Than Taking It; To Be An Actor Rather Than A Critic."....Winston Churchill

Women Empowerment

Queens, the other week I participated in a Girl Power Market Place in New Jersey. The event was the creative efforts of Essential Details. The proprietor, Tracie Henry. I had my 10 and 15 year old daughters to accompany me. I participated as a vendor, Tracey ReNissa Mobile Spa.
There were several vendors there with their products. This was an opportunity that enabled a group of women to gather, to network, and to reconnect with old friends.

For the month of June, I am inviting my Queens to submit their information i.e. websites, phone numbers, and other pertinent information about their businesses. I dedicate this month to us to promote our businesses. Queens take advantage of this opportunity to share, help others and grow your businesses.

I am a firm believer that once one person is blessed the next person in line will be blessed. Stand in line and await your blessings.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Never mistake motion for action."...Ernest Hemingway

The Return Of The Queen

All hail to the Queens. I have been away for a minute. I am back with renewed determination, vigor, vitality and blessings. There have been some changes in my life in the past few weeks that can be termed "life defining and altering". I became self absorb with life. I have this saying "I just became so consumed with life that I stopped living. This, to me, is the worst form of existing especially when you have the will, opportunity, and the God given ability to make changes and live a vibrant and productive life.

I allowed myself to worry about tomorrow while I was firmly cemented in today. I have given myself permission to breath and to allow God to direct and to guide my life. I am submissive to God's will. This is a hugh leap of faith and belief. On a daily basis I have to readjust and reassure myself that God has my back. I was at a point in my life that I really did not have a choice but to make changes. I truly believe that if I did not submit and cease with the insane existence that I was maintaining and living, my children, my friends, and my life would all soon become a part of my history.

I celebrate my life today as a rebirth. Queens help me celebrate my rebirth, my renewed beginning. Stroll with me with renewed confidence, assurance, and boldness.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa