In the world we live in today, it is a humbling awakening when you can reunite with someone 30 years later and the conversation, the love, the genuineness of who you and who they are allows you to pick up like it was only yesterday.
Last night was a true testament of sisterhood. In those 30 years, life has taken each one of us down different paths. We all have experienced and witnessed happiness, tragedy, joy, disappointment that have touched us, individually, different than the other but through it all, we are sistahs.
My heart rejoices today in the spirit of knowing that God's hands orchestrated this moment of happiness. Girls you showed up and showed out, just the way I like it. AB, girl, you STILL have the grace and refinement that only you can display (all real). Traci, girl, you are the person I would love to live vicariously through to live out that artistic free spirit that is buried inside of me screaming to be set free. Girl you carry IT with such class and richness. Do you boo, never duplicated always authenticated.
What was even more special for me was allowing my daughters to witness, first hand, what and how true friendship/sisterhood really is. Knowing my daughters, their moments of silence was just a muse. Their minds were processing and storing the knowledge of "Oh this is how we do it". This was one of life's invaluable lessons and I am so glad that they were the students and you two women were the instructors. Thank you again for a life lesson that I can never put a price tag on. A lesson called Life.
There are moments in life I reflect on now, with 47 years of wisdom, and I know exactly what I would have done differently. There are some moments in the life that I reflect on with pride, admiration, and conviction. But with it all, I thank God for allowing me to be me, a woman of God. I thank Him for my spirit of maturity, my spirit of friendship, my spirit of sisterhood, my spirit of self.
Thank you again, Traci and AB. This was only one of many more moments in this thing called Life.
Peace and Blessings,
Tracey ReNissa