Do You Know How To Please Yourself And Do You Enjoy Your Body And The Pleasure Of Self Intimacy
Queens this is "Me" time. Release, relax and here we go! I have not been able to get this topic in for some time. I have had this topic on my agenda for quite some time but something would prevent me from exploring this topic and sharing it with you. I so look forward to our Friday discussions. This is our grown ass women time. Our time to really get in touch with ourselves (in this case pun intended).
I plan on taking you on a sexual odyssey today. One you won't soon forget. Okay it is imperative that you have squirreled yourself away from the rest of the world. Did you pick out your favorite music, candles, toys, and whatever else you may need to set the mood.
The first thing we need to do is get the technical stuff out of the way. How does the clitoris work in respect to sexual pleasurement. The cloritis is a bundle of nerves about the size of a pea located at the top of a woman's vulva, above the urethral opening. It is very sensitive and is responsibile for feelings of sexual pleasure when stimulated. The clitoris plays a significant role in orgasms, and can produce orgasms with or without sexual penetration. For me, I have 4 erotic zones. For each woman this number may vary. I will share with you my erotic zones: my mouth, my breast, my clitoris and my anus. In order of most pleasurable, my clitoris, my anus, my mouth and then my breasts. I will share with you some of my deep and intimate secrets and I hope this will give you insight to something different and pleasurable.
I have discovered that I am my greatest sexual pleaser. I am not afraid to explore my body. I have often taken a mirror to look at my clitoris and my anus. Haven't I said before that you must be aware of your body, Queens, and what better way to know You then by taste, touch and sight. Have you often wonder what turns your man on when he is down there moaning and groaning and swearing to the heavens that this is best Shit he has ever had. Has he ever told you how good looking your clit is? Has he raved about the taste of your juices? Well this weekend find out the answer to these questions.
I can remember having sexual orgasms at an early age. I didn't know, then, that the term for this sexual high was masturbation. I would lye in my bed as a teenager and have dreams about my favorite boy in school or back then Michael Jackson or Billy D. Willaims while touching myself. I can remember, for me, it was the slow and steady strokes that I delivered to my clitoris that resulted in the most pleasurable climax for me. I can also remember this overwhelming feeling of euphoria (of course I didn't know anything about an euphoria) and being wet after this experience. For some reason, I was never ashamed or felt that I had done something wrong. Now that I am a mother, educator, and role model for my children, I believe that allowing my children to develope and to know about their sexual being is just as important as developing their academic achievements.
This art of masturbation is not just for the single and I don't have anyone right now ladies. This art of self gratification is for everyone to experience. I truly believe that knowing how to pleasusre yourself truly enhances your sexual encounters with your mate. More importantly, this is an opportunity for you to become familiar with this sexual side of yourself. Know that there are no limits to the sexual pleasures that you can derive from yourself and from others when you are at one with who you are.
Start today, touch yourself. feel the electricity surge through your body. Taste the sweetness of your juices. Lastly, take the hand mirror and explore your body. Become acquainted today with "You". If your man is away for a few days and you have the urge to get it on, try it. If you are preparing for an erotic and sexually fulfilling evening with someone special, set the mood. When he enters you and you are sloppy wet see the excitment in his eyes and take notice how his love making will seem different and definitively better.
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