Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Most of Us, Swimming against the Tides of Trouble the World Knows Nothing About, Need Only a Bit of Praise or Encouragement - and We'll Make the Goal

Is It Worth the Efforts and Struggles?

I often imagine what would life be like if???? If I no longer had the struggles of financial worries, if I was not always on my hustle trying to figure out the best situation for my children and I, and if I didn't have to contend with all the other bullshit of life?

I guess I'm coming from a dark place today, but I still put God first and I constantly remind myself that without Him there would be no me.
Queens, it's okay to vent and to take time to reflect, but at the end of the day when the light seems to be the dimmest and there is no one around to encourage you, God has your back. And when that light bulb has been replaced and the path that God has purposed for your life is lit, you can rest assure that the efforts and the struggles were well worth it.

When your purpose in life becomes clouded with doubt, this is the time that we should hold on fast to the Word. Allow your faith to become your crutch and your source of inspiration. I too, have my moments of self doubt, but never doubting the Word of God. So when that voice of uncertainty whispers into our ears, fill your minds and hearts with the Word of God.

Oh, the answer to what would my life be like without all that stuff those distractions, it would be void of God the Father and Our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is because of this stuff that I run to the comfort and safety of my God, it is because of this stuff that I know my Savior, my God is the Alpha and the Omega, it is because of this stuff that I find refuge in my Father and Spritual Healer.

Trust in Him during those dark times and all of the times.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"We're All Born Under The Same Sky, but We Don't All Have the Same Horizon."....Konrad Adenauer

Apple Shaped Vs. Pear Shaped

Did you ever think that your shape has the hidden answers to your health concerns, your ability to lose weight and the best way to lose weight based on your shape? Well yes, your shape holds the answers to these questions.

The way your body is shaped determines how and where it stores fat. When it comes to body shapes, we all fall under two basic categories, we are either Apple shaped or Pear shaped.

Apple shaped women who gain weight around their middle are more likely to develop disorders like heart disease, diabetes, or breast cancer. You are most likely characterized as having larger breasts, smaller hips, larger waist and a protruding belly. Excess fat tends to store around your breast, waist, stomach and internal organs(heart, liver, kidneys and intestines). It is the fat surrounding these internal organs that put apple-shaped individuals at a greater health risk than those that are Pear-shaped. Apple shaped individuals are at greater risk for health problems because of abdominal fat is more harmful than the fate that is stored under the skin. This fat storage increases the chances of developing metabolism problems, type 2 diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as, developing breast and endometrial cancer

Pear shaped who add pounds around their hips, but and thighs are more susceptible to problems like osteoporosis, varicose veins, cellulite, and eating disorders. They are more prone to lower self-esteem due to a poor body image and likely to have a rough transition through menopause. They are characterized as having a lower metabolism, a smaller upper body with a heavier lower body (hips, buttocks, legs). They are more likely to store fate under the skin, buttocks, thighs and hips. Pear shaped women also have less androgen (male hormone effect that strengthens bones), and at menopause, their pear-fat makes much weaker estrogen, which is not strong enough to keep calcium in the bones. At menopause when women lose estrogen they lose bone. As apple fat continues to produce estrogen, keeping the bones stronger during menopause.

Diets and exercise tips for apple and pear shaped women. Apple shaped women exercises should include performing medium to high cardiovascular exercises like aerobics, and strength-training for at least 2-3 times a week. Their diets should include "good" proteins like eggs, soy, salmon, halibut, trout, beans, and fiber filled foods. They slow digestion of sugars, lower insulin and cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Pear shaped women exercises should include resistance training to strengthen their bones. It is advised to perform early morning workouts to help boost your metabolism. Walking, rope jumping and aerobics are suggested. To help tone the body, it advisable to do strength training exercises at a moderate pace at least 4 to 5 times a week. Their diets should include more complex carbs like fruits, vegetables, brown rice and whole grains; while moderately eating healthy proteins like tuna, salmon, turkey and lean beef. Foods that should be avoided include meat with fatty parts, whole salad dressings, regular milk, cheese, butter and sour creams.

Discovering your body type is definitely a first step in paying attention to your diet and figuring out what works for you. True weight-loss is only achieved through proper nutrition and exercise, so don't forget to consult your physician before you begin a new diet, and be sure to supplement your meals with the right vitamins.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Thought Is The Original Source."....W. Clement Stone

The Importance of Water Regarding Health

"I'm dying of thirst!" Well according to studies you very well could be dying without a healthy daily intake of water. Water is two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen. But this element, better known as water, is the most essential, next to air, to our survival.

Water makes up more than two thirds of the weight of the human body, and without it, humans would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. A mere 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen. Mild dehydration is also one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue. An estimated seventy-five percent of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration.

The mechanics of the human body depend heavily on water. The body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil. Here are some of the functions of water.

1. Water serves as a lubricant
2. Water forms the base for saliva
3. Water forms the fluids the surround the joints
4. Water regulates the body temperature, as the cooling and heating is distributed through perspiration
5. Water helps to alleviate constipation by moving food through the intestinal tract and thereby eliminating waste - the best detox agent.
6. Regulates metoblism
7. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated
8. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
9. The biggest trigger of daytime fatigue is lack of water
10 Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water could ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of suffers.

In addition to the daily maintenance of our bodies, water also plays a key role in the prevention of disease. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and it can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer. And those are just a few examples! As you follow other links on our website, you can read more in depth about how water can aid in the prevention and cure of many types of diseases, ailments and disorders that affect the many systems of our bodies.

The Tuesday's health blog topic of the day is to be used as a source of initial introduction to a health issue or to reinforce what knowledge you may already have. This information should not be used as a medical substitute from the sound and professional advice that your physician can offer you. For additional information, please log onto websites: and

Peace and Blessings

Tracey ReNissa

Monday, July 6, 2009


Boldness, Arrogance, Self-confidence, and Reassurance

Queens, I wrote a small blurb on July 4Th. I mentioned that on this day of Independence, we should allow our boldness, arrogance, self-confidence, and reassurance to illuminate. These attributes, when used skillfully and with balance, without brassiness, boastfulness and negativeness can attract people to you like a bee to honey.

There should always be a balance in our lives. Part of this balance is knowing our source. For me that source is God. Whenever there is confusion and chaos in my life, I can rely on the Word to bring balance in every facet of my life.

Proclaim your Independence and Freedom with boldness, arrogance, self-confidence and reassurance. I proclaim them with the promise from God. Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

I challenge you today to place your desires to your source and with boldness, arrogance, self-confidence and reassurance to receive your heart's desires.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4Th of July

As you know, I only blog Monday - Friday but, today I wanted to say to my Queens, use this day as a milestone and marker of your Independence and freedom. I, too, must adhere to my own words of advice. Forge ahead with boldness, self-confidence, arrogance, reassurance and the knowledge that you are God's child with more Blessings than the stars above.

Happy Rebirth Day,

Tracey ReNissa

Friday, July 3, 2009

"Imagination Is The Highest Kite One Can Fly."....Lauren Bacall

Do You Know How To Please Yourself And Do You Enjoy Your Body And The Pleasure Of Self Intimacy

Queens this is "Me" time. Release, relax and here we go! I have not been able to get this topic in for some time. I have had this topic on my agenda for quite some time but something would prevent me from exploring this topic and sharing it with you. I so look forward to our Friday discussions. This is our grown ass women time. Our time to really get in touch with ourselves (in this case pun intended).

I plan on taking you on a sexual odyssey today. One you won't soon forget. Okay it is imperative that you have squirreled yourself away from the rest of the world. Did you pick out your favorite music, candles, toys, and whatever else you may need to set the mood.

The first thing we need to do is get the technical stuff out of the way. How does the clitoris work in respect to sexual pleasurement. The cloritis is a bundle of nerves about the size of a pea located at the top of a woman's vulva, above the urethral opening. It is very sensitive and is responsibile for feelings of sexual pleasure when stimulated. The clitoris plays a significant role in orgasms, and can produce orgasms with or without sexual penetration. For me, I have 4 erotic zones. For each woman this number may vary. I will share with you my erotic zones: my mouth, my breast, my clitoris and my anus. In order of most pleasurable, my clitoris, my anus, my mouth and then my breasts. I will share with you some of my deep and intimate secrets and I hope this will give you insight to something different and pleasurable.

I have discovered that I am my greatest sexual pleaser. I am not afraid to explore my body. I have often taken a mirror to look at my clitoris and my anus. Haven't I said before that you must be aware of your body, Queens, and what better way to know You then by taste, touch and sight. Have you often wonder what turns your man on when he is down there moaning and groaning and swearing to the heavens that this is best Shit he has ever had. Has he ever told you how good looking your clit is? Has he raved about the taste of your juices? Well this weekend find out the answer to these questions.

I can remember having sexual orgasms at an early age. I didn't know, then, that the term for this sexual high was masturbation. I would lye in my bed as a teenager and have dreams about my favorite boy in school or back then Michael Jackson or Billy D. Willaims while touching myself. I can remember, for me, it was the slow and steady strokes that I delivered to my clitoris that resulted in the most pleasurable climax for me. I can also remember this overwhelming feeling of euphoria (of course I didn't know anything about an euphoria) and being wet after this experience. For some reason, I was never ashamed or felt that I had done something wrong. Now that I am a mother, educator, and role model for my children, I believe that allowing my children to develope and to know about their sexual being is just as important as developing their academic achievements.

This art of masturbation is not just for the single and I don't have anyone right now ladies. This art of self gratification is for everyone to experience. I truly believe that knowing how to pleasusre yourself truly enhances your sexual encounters with your mate. More importantly, this is an opportunity for you to become familiar with this sexual side of yourself. Know that there are no limits to the sexual pleasures that you can derive from yourself and from others when you are at one with who you are.

Start today, touch yourself. feel the electricity surge through your body. Taste the sweetness of your juices. Lastly, take the hand mirror and explore your body. Become acquainted today with "You". If your man is away for a few days and you have the urge to get it on, try it. If you are preparing for an erotic and sexually fulfilling evening with someone special, set the mood. When he enters you and you are sloppy wet see the excitment in his eyes and take notice how his love making will seem different and definitively better.

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Vision Is The Art Of Seeing The Invisible."....Jonathan Swift

Loving Yourself

Loving yourself brings a healthy, self confident and strong woman. Loving yourself is paramount in our quest to be a better mother, daughter, wife, and friend.

Once we allow ourselves to be the potential that God has intended us to be, we can be the best mother, wife, daughter, and friend. Loving yourself will place us in that space of peace, tranquility, and happiness. We will no longer depend on others to bring the satisfaction of happiness and fulfillment of life.

I would love sharing my life with that special someone. I long for the day that a man will understand my wants, my attributes, my worth, my weaknesses, my soul, my hopes, my fears, and my dreams. But I refuse to give any man that gift of me when they are not worthy.

I recently met a man that I wanted to believe was worthy of me. I knew that he was not the one but I wanted so badly to have someone in my life. I ignored the obvious. I ignored my need for self esteem, self respect and love for myself. When we negate these things we sell a piece of our soul. We rationalize how he makes us feel, we tell stories of those rare and far and in between times that he shows a glimmer of kindness and consideration. We use God and the Bible as your source of why you should stay with this man and again we chip away at our ability to stand in the mirror and recognize the strong, gifted, caring and loving person that God wants us to be.

I had to stand in front of the mirror of reality and the person staring back at me was unrecognizable. It is okay to love but don't allow that love to change that person you once held up to high standards and high esteem. Don't allow this love to separate you and your family and friends. Now, you may say that your love for this man is your business and no one else's, you are fooling yourself. This is the man that has treated you wrongly and badly and now that you are in love again. you want everyone to back off and to accept your decision to love this man. Well. this can be done. but. at a price. Don't be surprised when those love ones decide to remove themselves from this chaotic and disturbing relationship.

Queens, today take the time to look into this mirror of reality. Do you recognize the person in the mirror. Love yourself and when you do this you will be living up to the potential that God has designed for you and that man, that should love you unconditionally, will be there for you.

Do you have a story of when you did not love yourself first and unconditionally and allowed the love of man to take priority? And when did you realize the need of this man over shadowed self love and how did you take your life back?"

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa