Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"You may have the lofties goals, the hightest ideals, the noblest dreams, but remember this, nothing works unless you do." Nido Qubein

Today is another chance to make a difference. Use this day to your advantage. Don't allow another day to pass with regret. Ladies ready yourself for Monday March 23, 2009. This will score in my memory the start of, prayerfully, many happy times for me to come together with my sistas and celebrate.

Ladies, I have for some time, now, used the name Tracey ReNissa. ReNissa is my middle name. This unique name was given to me by my mother, Shirley Ann Lofton. My mother passed in 2001. With some of my recent revelations, evolvements and my every ending evolution of Tracey came the use of ReNissa. Are you being called the name that you are? Are you being called the name that we are projecting for others to see? It has become so transparent to me the importance of a name. I have always said that words are powerful. I believe it was the encouraging words of a grandmother that give us our first Black President of the United States, President Barack Obama. Sunday in service, it was gifted to those in attendance that Barack/Barak means "Blessed". Are you the blessing to yourself that you should be? Today walk with your heads held high, your shoulders squared, your hips should move in unison, place a smile on your face (makeup if you desire) but most importantly, let your name precede you. You are a child of God, you are a woman, a lady, a queen of the earth, a mother, sister, neice, aunt. grandmother, lover, wife, you are you. It doesn't matter what people call you, what's more important is the name that you answer to (thank you, Noreen).

Peace and Blessings,

Tracey ReNissa

What's in a Name?

Teach us that name to own,
While waiting, Lord, for Thee,
Unholiness and sin to shun,
From all untruth to flee. —Cecil

A Christian reflects Jesus Christ.

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